When evaluating guest wi-fi for your property ask yourself these questions:

How many residents used your pool today?  5?
How many residents used your gym today?  10?
How many residents used the internet today?  Everyone!

It’s time to improve the way you experience the Internet while adding a vital amenity to your property. Forward-thinking property managers and HOA's are looking to Anaptyx to bring wireless Internet to their properties. WiFi connectivity makes a property more attractive, competitive, and more modern by enabling users to make use of high-speed Internet services that are fast and easy. With simplicity, reliability, and efficiency at our core, we are revolutionizing wireless delivery of Internet services to communities of all sizes.

Residential communities and Wi-Fi access go hand in hand. The importance of a centralized wireless internet system for apartments, HOA's and REITs revolves around our ever changing need for connectivity. Apartment and condo guest WiFi internet access is quickly becoming as indispensable to tenants as heat and hot water. Our intelligent WiFi networks enable REITs, property managers and HOA's to capture additional revenue and increase competitiveness by controlling services that were previously provided to tenants only through a third party.